
张念志 主任医师





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张念志,男,呼吸内科主任,医学博士,主任医师,教授,博士生导师,安徽省名中医,安徽省第二届江淮名医,国家中医药管理局中医肺病区域诊疗中心负责人,国家中医药管理局重点学科呼吸学科和老年病学科的学科带头人,国家临床重点专科—中医肺病科专科带头人,安徽省学术带头人。国家防治重大疑难疾病——支气管哮喘能力建设项目负责人;1988年毕业于安徽中医学院中医系,获学士学位,2002年毕业于北京中医药大学中医内科专业,获得医学博士学位,曾在北京朝阳医院呼吸科进修学习,曾在德国Hufeland-klinik Bad Ems和瑞典卡罗林斯卡医学院访问学习。已培养硕士研究生41名,在校10名、带安徽省中医高徒3名。从事临床、教学、科研工作近30年,运用中西医结合方法,擅长呼吸道感染、慢性咳嗽、呼吸衰竭、睡眠呼吸暂停综合症、慢性阻塞性肺疾病、间质性肺病、肺栓塞、支气管哮喘、中晚期肺癌、呼吸危重症诊治、呼吸系统疑难杂症等诊治。Zhang Nian-Zhi, male, born in September 1966, MD, Chief Physician, Associate Professor.Doctor.zhang graduated from the Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine with bachelor's and master's degree, then he studied in Beijing University of Chinese Medicine and were given doctorate. Having Engaged in clinical, teaching, research work for more than 20 years, Doctor.zhang proposed "virtual stasis" theory as the main reason for “COPD" for the first time and created Participation 7 Capsules for the treatment of stable time of COPD. He has been to the Department of Respiratory Medicine of Beijing Chaoyang Hospital(Beijing Respiratory Disease Research Institute)for further study and visisted Germany Hufeland klinik Bad Ems hospital for 3 months. Dr.zhang specializes in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, bronchial asthma, middle and late lung cancer, interstitial lung disease, sleep apnea syndrome and other incurable diseases Combined TCM and WM. Now he act as the Director of Department of Respiratory Medicine in the first Affiliated Hospital of Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (15 wards) , Deputy director of the Internal chinese medicine of teaching and research section, he served as national key disciplines of Traditional Chinese Medicine - Chinese medicine subjects breathing leading scholars in the second batch of National Excellent Chinese Training of clinical personnel (2008-2011), the Standing Committee member of the Emergency Medicine,the Branch of Chinese Society of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Committee of World Federation of Chinese Medicine Respiratory Disease Professional, executive director of the Chinese Medical Association Department of Internal Medicine Pulmonary Disease Professional Committee, Chinese Medical Association Society of Respiratory specialist ,deputy director of the Sixth anti-TB Association of Anhui Province(2008-2013),Sleep Research Society and executive director of Anhui Province and the Secretary-General, the committee of Anhui Branch of Chinese Medical Association for Respiratory Diseases, the member of the first phase of middle-aged academic leaders in colleges and universities in Anhui Province to be trained, the training objects of "JAC Named Doctor" for Anhui Provincial Health Department(the first level), Anhui Provincial Health Office of fourth cycle (2009-2013) ,academic leaders of cultivation (first level), first academic leaders of cultivation in the First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui University. contactOffice Tel :0551-62850052Dr. Zhang Nianzhi’s specialist clinic Time: Monday morning, Sunday morning (Respiratory Medicine), Tuesday afternoon (famous doctors Church) 社会任职 安徽省防痨学会副理事长世界中医药联合会呼吸病分会副会长世界中医药联合会肺康复分会副会长安徽省睡眠研究会常务理事中华医学会安徽省呼吸分会常委安徽省中医药学会中医肺病(呼吸)专业委员会主任委员《中国中医急症杂志》编委《安徽中医药大学学报》编委《环球中医杂志》编委《中医药临床杂志》编委 科研成果 先后发表学术论文130余篇。主编参编著作8部。主持科研项目6项,其中主持国家自然科学基金课题2项,安徽省自然科学基金会2项,获得国家及省级科技成果证书3项。


